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an idea - lucky - 11 Oct 10

ive been thinkin about how on maps like toxic or desert or shine how shotgun loving ppl camp at ur spawn and gib you as soon as you respawn that has happend to me many times and it is really annoying lol
so i thought we should have like a 2 second invincibility when u spawn to stop the buckshot ppls camp gibs what u guys think?

RE: an idea - Brahma - 11 Oct 10

I think this is not an awful idea... but I think it was suggested previously... (i just do not remember what was the community position toward this)

RE: an idea - yata - 11 Oct 10

there are too many moments were in a match your fragged, people coming into your base as you respawn, and then either 2 things happen:
you try kill them and die, they get away with flag
you kill them and go to attack there base

with this idea, you will almost always be able to frag them, depending on your spawn..

but then again, i see how you find this as being useful on pubs, i would still say no though

RE: an idea - titiPT - 11 Oct 10

I would have to say ney, because it would make getting the flag in pubs a lot harder.

RE: an idea - RIPBillyMays - 11 Oct 10

(11 Oct 10, 06:18AM)yata Wrote: there are too many moments were in a match your fragged, people coming into your base as you respawn, and then either 2 things happen:
you try kill them and die, they get away with flag
you kill them and go to attack there base

with this idea, you will almost always be able to frag them, depending on your spawn..

but then again, i see how you find this as being useful on pubs, i would still say no though
For reasons similar to this, I think it's a good idea, but only on DM and TDM modes. So maybe as an option for the server owner.

RE: an idea - Mael - 11 Oct 10

(11 Oct 10, 05:47PM)titiPT Wrote: I would have to say ney, because it would make getting the flag in pubs a lot harder.

And in private games. The first two seconds of an encounter are usually all it takes to kill. Even if it lasts longer than that the spawned player is going to have an enormous advantage.

If you really wanted to preserve the feasibility of camping in/around an enemy base you could give the spawned player two seconds of invincibility, and the inability to shoot for two seconds but I don't think this would be ideal.

RE: an idea - Luc@s - 11 Oct 10


RE: an idea - lucky - 11 Oct 10

well thats what i was thinkin about not for ctf but for tdm only

RE: an idea - tempest - 11 Oct 10

I think I already suggested this several times, but anyway: why not do it like in some other games, where you have a few seconds protection, but as soon as you start shooting, you lose it.

RE: an idea - DEKiMA - 12 Oct 10

I say no because there are many players who (seem to) wait to spawn until their flag is taken. While it would deter spawn campers, a good thing, it would also encourage this.

RE: an idea - #M|A#Wolf - 12 Oct 10

I was going to say that in those 2 seconds of invincibility you would also not be able to shoot to make it fair for everyone, but tempest's idea sounds way sexier, even though it would have a few flaws:
  • Of course, that feature should be automatically turned off as soon as you leave your base. Imagine going from our base all the way to the enemy's base with invincibility then click, grab the flag and leave.

  • It would make the attacker's job way harder, since he would shoot the defender then realize that he is invincible then reloads, and the defender starts shooting right there...

  • This feature would mean that the defender would ALWAYS start shooting first, which gives him a huge advantage.

Even if the invincible players would have a sign on their heads or something, imagine a attacker having to keep an eye on every invincible player in case out of no where they start shooting.

If we took my idea about the 2 sec invincibility & no shooting, imagine having an attacker getting your flag but you can't shoot him.

Would be nice if someone could figure how to prevent this, let's see what people think.

@tempest: What games use this feature? I would think that most, if not all of them are the slow paced, in which 2 seconds doesn't really matter, but in AC 2 seconds can mean the winning move.

RE: an idea - DEKiMA - 12 Oct 10

Yeah, it's a toughie all right. You could simply make the player's point of view switch to a third person (like in spectate mode) of where they are about to spawn?

RE: an idea - KN!F3 - 12 Oct 10

How about we choose which spawn point to spawn at xD
Default is random but how about we can pick some place in the base by pressing a number 6 through 0? Maybe then we can prepare for it and base campers would be at a disadvantage. The spawn points are fairly close but that would give the spawner easy direction as to where the camper is and where to shoot. Eh...Good idea or bad?

RE: an idea - #M|A#Wolf - 12 Oct 10

I think both Knife... Noob people in pubs would be confused to what to do, plus after some time it eventually become annoying since normally the average player dies before 1-2 minutes after spawn, and it would become a pain. Plus, AC is too fast paced for you to pick a place, then go run. Imagine someone gets your flag and you just want to get him, but you have to make sure you click on the correct number... Even remembering each zone is irritating enough. Besides, this idea is too tactical for AC imho...

RE: an idea - CharlyMurphie - 12 Oct 10

(11 Oct 10, 05:37AM)lucky Wrote: ive been thinkin about how on maps like toxic or desert or shine how shotgun loving ppl camp at ur spawn and gib you as soon as you respawn that has happend to me many times and it is really annoying lol
so i thought we should have like a 2 second invincibility when u spawn to stop the buckshot ppls camp gibs what u guys think?

Pretty good idea; I am giulty on both ends of the spectrum and can't see how this can't possibly help. Put the coders to work J/K. GOOD IDEA(D) THOUGH, gives the spawn killers only 2 secs to find out if they are better at anything else like using the carbine.

RE: an idea - XFA - 12 Oct 10

i would make it 1sec but i think it could work

RE: an idea - Luc@s - 12 Oct 10

Think about all players
it would be much, much harder to score during clan matches game for example.
I think that's another idea gave by a pub-player and agreed by pub-players...

RE: an idea - DrMental - 12 Oct 10

AFK is turned off in match mode, make it so the invincibility turned off there as well?

RE: an idea - Huntsman - 12 Oct 10

how about a 2 second invincible spawn time + you can't kill them either

RE: an idea - castiel - 12 Oct 10

(11 Oct 10, 11:20PM)tempest Wrote: I think I already suggested this several times, but anyway: why not do it like in some other games, where you have a few seconds protection, but as soon as you start shooting, you lose it.

The issue with this is the player who has spawned instantly has an advantage, you'll never know when they're going to shoot, and usually the first shot can be vital giving them the upper edge

RE: an idea - V-Man - 13 Oct 10

The idea of being able to see your spawn point is probably the best compromise. As the spawn countdown runs out, you can check to see if you need to defend in a particular direction. You spawn on time, and with no need for invincibility or disabled shooting.
Of course this would work best for CTF.
For non-flag or arena games, this will be slightly more tricky.

RE: an idea - KN!F3 - 13 Oct 10

But I said the default so that if you normally click like right now you spawn randomly BUT if you want to pick a spot you choose it and then click