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[MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - Printable Version

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[MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - Apollo{TyD} - 29 May 11

[Image: teaserpy.jpg]

[UPDATE 2011-05-29]
This pack includes three major aspects:

New (old) map added
Cause there has been recently some interest in playing Apollo's Subcity , I've added this map to the pack again. No modifications has been made on this; it's the pure 1.1 release.

Hint: Make sure you have placed the custom content correctly. Otherwise you won't able to see the nice graffiti.

New map added
Welcome to Apollo's Abbey. This abandoned place consists of a cloister with two levels and open arcades, a small nave and a big altar, a storage room, a heating room and some other additions.

[Image: apolloabbeyteaser.jpg]

My originial plan to added some custom sounds has been dropped cause the current AC seems to have a bug in the mapsound command.

For server hosts: Filenames are changed
Cause it's not that necessary anymore to have version numbers in the filename, I've decided to remove them completely. This means you have to make an update to your maprot if you have included one or more of these files.

On the other hand future updates will become more easy now.


RE: [MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - Andrez - 29 May 11

I love the Abbey. Amazing, as always.

RE: [MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - Fate - 29 May 11

Yeah, Andrez pretty much summed it up. Amazing. :)

It boggles me how sexy the lighting is.

RE: [MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - DogDancing - 29 May 11

Hey Apollo, I played ctf and look at it pretty thoroughly and I've got to say its really unique and I like it a lot. I enjoyed the side corridor to the right of cla, and the path leading out of rvsf base on the right. And of course well as the unusual pillar designs. Like how you used more of the newer textures, they flow and look very nice. My only dislike is the shed/house/cottoge outside of rvsf in the middle...I'm not sure weather I dislike it because of the feel in scale difference or..I'm not sure I think it just feels kinda out of place and random.

You've always been very good at creating a map with your own feel and style that most of us have grown to love and this map is no exception. Glad your still making maps my friend.

RE: [MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - ExodusS - 05 Jun 11

Abbei is the best.

RE: [MAP PACK] New version of Apollo's pack with new maps - 610|FreZ - 06 Jun 11

I had the chance of playing abbey some days's....