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Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Printable Version

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Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Brahma - 05 Aug 10

We tested and re-tested the AC1.1 in the last weeks, and we did not have one single case of false positive in these tests.
The laggers are flagged as "laggers" and are treated in a special manner, and we tested with many laggers in these weeks. So it is very improbable to have "false positive", and if honest people are really being kicked, it is more probable to be a bug in the anticheat engine.

If you got auto-banned and (obviously) you were not cheating, please, try to get the demo of the game and post it here. Additionally I ask to the server owners to post here the logs of the incident. With this information I will be able to fix possible bugs and/or lower some thresholds.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - DogDancing - 06 Aug 10

Well I just got banned from the 3010 server while playing an inter. I was lagging a bit, a lot right before it happened...and now I'm banned! Someone from that game should get the demo!

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - #M|A#Wolf - 06 Aug 10

DogDancing: I actually tried to get the demo of that game just to look at it again, though it said the server doesn't record demos (which btw why doesn't it?), maybe Panda can check the logs or something.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Bullpup - 06 Aug 10

Just a heads up,
Adam, shorty and xfa are banned so there are 3 more false positives. Think Ill wait till the update to install that...

-you dumb kids (get off my lawn)

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - MusicMan10 - 06 Aug 10

There's a demo of Atrimos and SercartY getting kicked for "hacking".

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Tetsuo - 06 Aug 10

(06 Aug 10, 05:55AM)MusicMan10 Wrote:

There's a demo of Atrimos and SercartY getting kicked for "hacking".

I was playing in that match, as well. Then the server had that weird lag spike...and then I got auto-banned. I thought maybe my wireless connection had bugged up but judging by what I see in that demo that was not the case.

My brother (pup3tt) was playing on the same connection and only I got the boot. :/

EDIT: My account on here must have been pruned out. Figures since I haven't posted in a long while.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - noerrorsfound - 06 Aug 10

The forum was started from scratch and everyone had to create a new account.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Billybob - 06 Aug 10

Here is a copy of my serverlogs and associated demos of autokicks and bans. There are quite a few :(

Also my server keeps losing the registration from the masterserver for some reason.

Aug 06 17:26:29 WARNING: could not connect
Aug 06 17:54:29 Status at 06-08-2010 17:54:29: 0 remote clients, 0.0 send, 0.0 rec (K/sec); Ping: #252|15737|576; CSL: #12|108|24 (bytes)
Aug 06 18:26:29 WARNING: could not connect

Im running the Linux version from sourceforge on ubuntu server 8.0.4 on a vps.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - S!GH - 07 Aug 10

I was banned yesterday on ( and today twice on Mys Match ( for abnormal behaviour and abnormal client behaviour.I´m running AC on linux (10.04) and compiled AC myself.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - JMM - 07 Aug 10

(07 Aug 10, 12:41AM)S!GH Wrote: I´m running AC on linux (10.04) and compiled AC myself.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Brahma - 07 Aug 10

Ok... there was a bug in server side (my fault), that were changing the z of the shots in some maps (and this is *not* related to the anticheats)... but it was producing a lot of "suspect hitbox" entries...

This is already fixed in the SVN, and *any* honest client could produce that.

ac_keller was one of the maps....

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Bullpup - 08 Aug 10

anyone notice if this map is the one adding cause to buffer overflow?

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - RIPBillyMays - 08 Aug 10

Just got autobanned from a pistol frenzy on ac_keller.
I didn't get a demo, but it was on the server.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Luc@s - 08 Aug 10

Batmagood was banned on ac_urban for "speedhack". But I think this bug is already fixed ?

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - ElCrema - 08 Aug 10

I got banned from some of the MyS server after a fierce lag, "abnormal client behavior" or something like that was the message.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Panda - 08 Aug 10

Brahma please release the fixed server binary so we don't have this kind of problem any longer :)

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - lordamit - 08 Aug 10

same here. I got auto banned today.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Luc@s - 08 Aug 10

(08 Aug 10, 09:49PM)Panda Wrote: Brahma please release the fixed server binary so we don't have this kind of problem any longer :)
you may download it from the SVN repository na ?

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - ElCrema - 08 Aug 10

Yeap, the SVN has lots of bugs fixed :D

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Luc@s - 08 Aug 10

Let's changed the question :
who was NOT auto-banned :D

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - #M|A#Wolf - 08 Aug 10


RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Luc@s - 08 Aug 10

oh it's you ? :D

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Alpha-Jet - 09 Aug 10

Banned yesterday on MyS server on map ac_elevation after 5 / 10 minutes of games.
" behavior client "
I haven't the demo. :/

btw : Thanx for your work Brahma !
AC without cheaters is .. <3

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - lordamit - 09 Aug 10

I wonder how we are supposed to get the demos when we are banned and can't even connect -_-!

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - #M|A#Wolf - 09 Aug 10

You ask the server owner...

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Panda - 09 Aug 10

Better ask someone who was on there with you, most servers don't record demos to harddrive. It's not a default setting and my servers don't do it for example.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Mael - 09 Aug 10

(09 Aug 10, 04:57PM)lordamit Wrote: I wonder how we are supposed to get the demos when we are banned and can't even connect -_-!

I'm wondering if a simple utility for server owners could allow player to download demos via the web, similar to how some w00p demos are available online. No need to store vast libraries; just those available to players in game.

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Panda - 09 Aug 10

Btw. since the update nobody was autobanned on my servers and there were just a few people with anticheat loglines (about 3).

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu - 10 Aug 10

i got "auto kicked"
was when i get a flag, run and hide. So after some time i got kicked by inactivity. When u get a flag u supposed to hide from others, u shouldnt be trusted like a camper or afk. So i try get the demo, and there is another bug: the demos says a thing but shows other map in a match wich i dont played.

here a video

i am using AC and windows xp

RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - Brahma - 10 Aug 10

This is not a case of autoban...
Anyway, do not camp... :P