strange behavior on meanduck server
Here is the thing, you, among others, have complained for years that "there needs to be a way to limit aliases" and "there needs to be a way to block impersonators". Now that there is one, you complain about that as well. You can't win with some people

And, while we are on it, lets talk about the SS Hitler subject. Meanduck's servers are one of the few that actually tried to remove him. We had a system for combating him and his wide range of IP's and in doing so, the servers got ddos'ed. So unless you got a better idea on how to combat that, why don't you just sit in the back seat and keep quiet.
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Messages In This Thread
strange behavior on meanduck server - by 1Cap - 28 Jun 23, 11:32PM
RE: strange behavior on meanduck server - by Pi_Halo - 01 Jul 23, 12:38AM